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Les Cascades Niagara

Having spent yet another day at Boucan Canot beach yesterday (Saturday), I decided it was time to explore somewhere new.

I walked to the nearest 'bus station' from uni and caught the 23 bus to Saint-Suzanne, a nearby town, about an hour away. From there, I grabbed a baguette for a euro from the bakery (how french) and then followed the road signs to les Cascades Niagara or the 'Niagara Falls'.

The walk allowed me to see the island from a difference perspective. Admittedly it reminded me of Jurassic Park, but it was cool to walk through the tall sugar cane fields with the cliffs and tree covered mountains in the distance.

The waterfall itself was very pretty. Foliage either side of a high cliff and trickling waterfall. To the right, I could see skilled rock climbers and abseilers tackling the steep cliffs. In the pool below, it was possible to swim in, which was refreshing after the walk and the heat from the sun.

A chilled out sunday.

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